Terms & Conditions

Code of Ethics 

Steps Workplace shall, always, act with integrity in our dealings with all businesses, program participants and community members. 

We adopt policies and practices to ensure the quality of vocational education and training programs we offer are relevant and in accordance with legislative and regulatory requirements. 


We will ensure that we:

  • Provide adequate training facilities - Employ qualified staff and support their continuing professional development - Use accurate advertising material - Implement a fair refund policy - Comply with current work health and safety requirements - Maintain secure recordkeeping that protects our participants privacy; and
  • Provide participants with access to their records upon request
  • We undertake to maintain quality training and to uphold the highest ethical standards. 
  • We undertake to ensure that all employees, agents and representatives are familiar with and agree to comply with our Code of Ethics. 

Code of Conduct

Today’s workplace requires employees to use their initiative, work as a team member and be honest, loyal, tactful and courteous. 

We will: 

  • Treat you fairly and with respect
  • Provide you with a safe learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment;
  • Store your records and personal information securely, and
  • Provide you with professional and timely services

We expect you to:

  • Treat our staff, visitors and your fellow participants with respect;
  • Attend your scheduled classes;
  • Return from classroom breaks promptly 
  • Pay your fees on time, where applicable
  • Submit your assessments by the due date
  • Ask for extensions before the due date for your assessment, if you need them
  • Wear appropriate clothing to your training session; and 
  • Report any unsafe practices or items that you see to your trainer or a member of staff. 

We shall refrain from associating with any enterprise which acts in breach of our Codes of Practice, Ethics or conduct. 

Harassment and Bullying

We aim to provide a workplace that is free from all forms of harassment or discrimination, including victimisation and bullying. We will not tolerate any behaviour that interferes with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning and assessment environment. 

You are harassing someone if you make comments or take action that results in that person feeling intimidated, offended, humiliated or embarrassed. You are racially harassing someone if you threaten, abuse, insult or taunt a person in relation to their race, descent, nationality, colour, language, ethnic background or racial characteristic. You are sexually harassing someone if you make any verbal or physical contact with that person that they did not invite. You discriminate against a person if you treat them unfairly or unequally simply because they belong to a group or category of people.